Lulu Peña
Contemporary art and ceramics.

Materializing the Ideas
The connection between the brain and the body is admirable and when we think about designing, building and creating something, there are many elements that take part in that process. Supported by research and moved by emotions, experiences and questions, I approach the exploration of ideas through drawing, which is essential in my creative process. That initial idea is transformed from lines to two-dimensional shapes. Followed by one of the steps that I really enjoy, that is exploring the three-dimensional possibilities of those shapes in scale models. This part is given in a very organic and natural way, perhaps because of my design background.
Once the basic design decisions are made (structure, balance, proportions, etc.), I proceed to select the best hand-built construction technique and the appropriate type of clay to carry out the project. And then, to the best part… to get my hands muddy! Once the hands touch the clay, a feeling of peace, calm and happiness is experienced. It is as if everything you have inside is poured into the clay and in a harmonious symbiosis you begin to feel balanced, centered and grounded. Yes, clay has that healing and powerful magic, at least that has been my experience. However, clay has its own personality, and sometimes it wants to take you on its own path. It challenges you and keeps you humble throughout the process. The original shape is transformed and modified until it becomes a composition. Then, the piece is slowly dried and fired for the first time (bisque). Followed by the glazing process to be fired a second time. This repetitive cycle becomes a constant meditation, like a rhythm in which your ideas become reality.
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