Pieces made using hand-built construction techniques.

"Ecos del Pensamiento" ("Echoes of Thought"). Ceramic, underglaze, mason stain, oxide and glaze. (2024). 4 1/4" x 4 1/2" x 3 1/4".

"Ecos del Pensamiento" ("Echoes of Thought").

"Ecos del Pensamiento" ("Echoes of Thought") - Top view
"Oscilando entre memorias" ("Oscillating between Memories"). Ceramic, underglazes, mason stains, oxide and glazes. (2024). 14 1/4" x 11 3/4" x 6 7/8".

"Oscilando entre memorias" ("Oscillating between Memories").
"Anatomía Emocional" ("Emotional Anatomy"). Ceramic, underglaze, mason stains, and glaze. (2024). 13 1/2" x 10 3/4" x 2".

"Anatomía Emocional" ("Emotional Anatomy") - Side view.

"Refugio I" ("Shelter I").

"Refugio I" ("Shelter I") - Side View
"Refugio I" ("Shelter I") - Front View

"Refugio I" ("Shelter I") - Detail

"Refugio I" ("Shelter I"). Ceramic, underglazes, , oxide and wax finish. (2024). 9 1/4" x 9 1/8" x 6 3/4".

"Refugio II" ("Shelter II"). Ceramic, underglazes, mason stains, glaze and wax finish. (2024). 8 1/4" x 8 3/4" x 5".

"Refugio II" ("Shelter II").

"Refugio II" ("Shelter II") - Side View

"Refugio II" ("Shelter II") - Front View

"Despertar" ("Awakening"). Ceramic, underglaze, oxides, pigments and wax finish. (2024). 4 3/4" x 4 5/8" x 1 11/16".

"Despertar" ("Awakening") - Top View

"Sumus" Ceramic, underglazes, oxides, pigments and glaze. (2023). 5 3/16" x 5 1/8" x 5 1/8".

"Sumus" - Side view

"Sumus" - Top view


"Protegida" ("Protected") Ceramic, underglazes, mason stains and oxides. (2022). 5" x 4 1/2" x 2 5/8".
"Protegida" ('Protected") - Side view

"Estoica I" ("Stoic I") Ceramic, underglazes and oxides. (2021). 12" x 4 3/4" x 4".

"Estoica I" ("Stoic I") - Detail

"Estoica II" ("Stoic II") Ceramic, underglazes and oxides. (2021). 10" x 3" x 3 3/4".

"Estoica II" ("Stoic II") - Detail

"Estoica II" ("Stoic II") - Detail

"Programmed Dichotomy I" Ceramic, slip, oxides and glaze. (2021) 5 1/2" x 5" x 2 1/16" - Front View

"Programmed Dichotomy I" Ceramic, slip, oxides and glaze. (2021) 5 1/2" x 5" x 2 1/16" - Back View

"Programmed Dichotomy I" Ceramic, slip, oxides and glaze. (2021) 5 1/2" x 5" x 2 1/16" - Divided

"Sin Título" ("Untitled") Ceramic, underglazes, oxides and glazes. (2021). .

"Sin título" ("Untitled") - Detail

"Sin título" ("Untitled") - Detail

"Sin título" (Untitled) - Detail

"Viajes de la Memoria" ("Memory trips") Ceramic, underglazes and oxides. (2020). 9 3/8" x 3 3/8" x 4 1/8".

"Vestigios de una Travesía II" ("Vestiges of a Journey II") Ceramic, underglazes and oxides. (2020). 13 1/4" x 4 1/4" x 6".
"Memorias Inconstantes" ("Fickle Memories") Ceramic, underglazes and oxides. (2019). 15" x 12 1/4" x 1 3/4".
¿Plátanos? Serie
Series that addresses the issue of agricultural biotechnology, transgenic and genetically modified foods and consequently the implications that these practices have at an economic, social and environmental level.

"¿Plátanos? II" ("Plantains? II") Ceramic, red iron oxide and reclaimed mahogany wood. (2019). 16" x 27" x 3 1/2"
"¿Plátanos? I" ("Plantains? I") Ceramic, copper oxide and reclaimed mahogany wood. (2018). 18" x 27" x 5"
Abstract Flowers Serie
Series that explore the concept of energy as a metaphor of life and its relationship and importance between the organic/natural and the artificial.
"Vías en Brote" ("Traces in Bloom") Ceramic, and oxides over 3/4" PVC backing. (2018). 12 3/8" x 12 1/2" x 5/8"
"Flor I" ("Flower I") Ceramic, oxides and wood frame. (2017). 8 3/8" x 9 1/4"
"Flor II" ("Flower II") Ceramic, oxides and wood frame. (2017). 11" x 11"

"Flor III" ("Flower III") Ceramic, oxides and wood frame. (2017). 11" dia.
"Plate" Ceramic, underglazes and oxides. (2017)